
Collage Friday - Joy and Loss


This week has been a bit of a time warp, with a lot of emotions running through it.

Do you ever have weeks where you just feel you're going through the motions?  Yep. This week was kind of like that.

The week started off with Memorial Day swimming and cooking out, but also with the death of my husband's uncle. While it was expected, it was difficult. My husband traveled to the funeral with his father and his sister and the kids and I stayed home.

My husband is such a strong, faithful man. He lost his own mother just as we were finding out I was pregnant with Grant. I have seen through him that while loss is sometimes unspeakably difficult, faith can get us through ANYTHING.  

I am also seeing this through a friend of mine whose husband is fighting Stage 4 Melanoma. It was a hard week for their family as he underwent biochemotherapy. I read my friend's blog and it gives me perspective.

So while this week was full of difficult things, as I create my collages for this post I am thankful for the many blessings this week held.

Don't you love the CS Lewis quote above?

"When you have reached your own room, be kind to those who have chosen different doors and to those who are still in the hall."  

My husband and I are reading Mere Christianity. We were inspired to read Lewis after attending the Great Homeschool Convention (most of the sessions we chose to attend were about Classical Education). Then, as we were picking out a confirmation gift for a teenager from our church, we chose Mere Christianity. We gave him the book and challenged him to read it this summer - and we would all get together for coffee at the end of the summer and discuss. 

This young man has started reading the book. My husband has FINISHED the book. I think I should get with it, don't you?

Actually, the reading of this book is quite serendipitous. We've been feeling some pretty strong things about our faith recently. I've also been feeling that we don't really fit into the homeschool "box". I'm not quite sure how to articulate all of it yet, but my husband has assured me that reading Lewis is going to help.

Onward to the collages!

Holiday Weekend Fun


1. Many nights this week the scene in our front yard has been boys playing baseball. We have a few older boys in our neighborhood that are sweet with Grant and play ball with him. Actually, I think he holds his own very well. He has always been my Baseball Loving Boy - and he's super excited to go to a local baseball camp in just a few weeks.

2. Grant has a great buddy, Joe. They are 2 peas in a pod. Joe spent the night with us over the weekend and much fun was had.

3. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law have a fabulous pool. We spend a lot of time there during the summer months. I think the kids live on the diving board.

4. We were cat sitters while my sister-in-law was at the funeral with my husband. Their new kitty, Roscoe, is just so sweet.

5. That's my awesome husband. He works a lot and when he gets a chance to just SIT and relax I need to snap a picture. Actually, I'm so impressed by his ability to devote himself 100% to his family when he's not at work. He works very hard to have balance.

6. I put our large flag out for Memorial Day, and I'm just going to leave it up all the time. I wish more people flew the flag, don't you?

7. We ate several dinners on the deck - hamburgers, hot dogs, fresh fruit, and S'Mores!  

8. There's my husband again - mowing the grass. He loves it. He told me it is because he feels a sense of accomplishment when he is done. No matter what the stresses going on, he can put on his headphones, listen to his favorite tunes, and take care of the yard.

9. More swimming - actually this is Grant and my husband throwing the ball at the pool. Somehow there is always a ball being thrown wherever Grant happens to be.

10. My guy is growing up so much, but he's so skinny! He has gotten very tall, but I can see his little ribs! Does anyone else have a little boy like this?

11. Anna is not enjoying being photographed much these days. I'm respecting her wishes. Trust me, she's around - just not in a lot of the pictures. I found a really cute bathing suit for her last weekend - but this is the best picture she would let me get!

12. Of course the summer couldn't be officially started without watermelon!  



 I know you're probably tired of hearing about this eBook. 

Well, it's FINISHED!

Major happy dance! 

A friend of mine asked me at church on Wednesday night what I'd been up to this week - she said, "Wait, you've been 'squilting', haven't you?" Clearly, she knows me well.

The book will be available for sale on June 10. I will also have a new site to go along with it that will be ready then, too. 

I've spent much time proofreading, learning about eCommerce, PayPal Micromerchants, and lots of other goodies over the past few weeks.  

I am very excited to share this resource with you. It is something I feel the homeschool community truly NEEDS. This is a simple way to teach music appreciation to your children, even if you have NO musical background. 

Have you tried any of the free SQUILT lessons I have here on the blog?

The Best Gadget Known To Man


I know, it's random.

Grant and I have a compulsion for cherries.

This week we bought a HUGE bag of them and then proceeded to have snacks outside.

My cherry pitter is the best invention know to man. 

As we were using it, Grant said, "You have to tell the people on your blog about this!" He even had a minifigure pose with a pitted cherry to show you just how well it works.  That's my little blogging guy!  

I think that's it for this week.

In case you missed it, I posted 10 Little Things that Make My Day and also Why You Can't Put Homeschoolers in a Box.

Important:  The Notebooking Pages Birthday Celebration is nearly over (today is the LAST DAY!).  You can save $25 on a Lifetime Membership and also get free access to the Notebooking Publisher Web App.  You know how much we love this resource, so if you can justify the expense, I would snag it!

I hope you link up your weekly photo collage post!  Please remember to include photo collages.  Also, link back to this post or include the Collage Friday button (in my sidebar) in your post. Once you have signed the linky, please visit others on the list to gain ideas and offer encouragement.  I love the Collage Friday community!  (I reserve the right to delete any links that don't comply with the guidelines.)