
Making Time To Read - Recent Favorites

The goal this year has been to read widely and well.

I’ve noticed an improvement in my ability to home educate because I am making time to read.

Not only am I improving my knowledge (which can then be passed on through home education), but I’m also improving my general feelings of happiness and well-being. Books are a worthwhile escape - my faithful friends at all times.

(If you’re the bookish sort I’m sure you can relate.)

Making Time to Read - Current Favorites

Let’s get to the update - the last time I updated you was in May - an entire summer has gone by and I’ve done a lot of reading!

I’ll keep the categories the same as I did in the May update - so that you can see my efforts to read widely and well - and my efforts to include more nonfiction in my reading life.

There are probably only one or two books on the list that I wouldn’t recommend to you: The Martian (I just didn’t care for it - and too many f-bombs throughout) wasn’t up my alley. Additionally, I listened to Nora Ephron’s Heartburn on a road trip and have mixed feelings about this one. I’m not sure I recommend you spend your time on it.

Read-Alouds/For Homeschool

This year (9th grade) my son is studying American History.

I’m trying to incorporate some interesting stories from American History, as well as stories of faith.

I had never heard of Steve Sheinkin until this summer, and both of his books have been excellent! You’ll want to check them out (especially if you have older boys).

I also received a huge box of books from Voice of the Martyrs this summer - and in that box was a Christian Heroes book about Adoniram Judson. We have loved all of these missionary biographies, and this one didn’t disappoint us.

Personal/Professional Development

A lot of my reading the past few months has centered around my oldest leaving home for college.

The anxiety and grief I felt was surprising to me. I honestly thought I would be “ok” - but her leaving threw me for a bit of a loop. Listening to Anxious for Nothing and then reading Release My Grip were truly helpful during this period of time.

Mere Motherhood was a re-read for me. This is just such a beautiful book. I remember it giving me peace when it first came out, and reading it again instilled that same sense of educational peace in me again.

Historical Fiction/Classics/Memoir

My husband challenged me to read Lonesome Dove after our trip out West this summer. Well - I read it. I’m glad I did, but it’s not my favorite thing ever. I would say read it if you ever have time, but it’s not one I will heartily recommend.

I do think, however, that everyone needs to listen to Sissy Spacek read To Kill a Mockingbird. This is probably my favorite literary experience of all time!

I am also very thankful I read The Gown (a Modern Mrs. Darcy book club selection this summer) - such a great piece of historical fiction and just a lovely book in general.

Literary Fiction/Other

I had a lot of light reads this summer - probably you could categorize them as “fluff”. As I look back I think I was just escaping into my books as I prepared to send my daughter to college. I simply needed easy and fun - and there are a lot of those books in this list.

I think my favorite of the fluff was Jane of Austin - pure enjoyment.

Once Upon a River was probably the best book I’ve ever listened to - Juliet Stevenson is a brilliant narrator and I highly recommend listening to this book if you get a chance!

Susan Meissner is quick becoming one of my favorite authors. I’ve read three of her books now, and I think Why The Sky is Blue has been my favorite. This one tugged at my mama heartstrings and was just such a beautiful story of hope and redemption.

I’d love to talk books with you.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you’ve been reading and if you have a recommendation for me!

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