
Some Homeschool Weeks (Years?) Are Just Like That

It's been an interesting week. 

Last week we were out of town. We missed a week in our CC community so everything feels a bit "off" now.

Our "scheduled" spring break is in two weeks, but we need to do some work to catch up during that time.

The discombobulated schedule, coupled with the stresses of grandparent illnesses, changing jobs, and more travel to see family, have made this school year challenging.

I haven't accomplished everything I would like. We're struggling with some heart issues. Things seem to be piling up more than usual. 

Some years are like that.

I'm learning to trust God, take care of myself, and know that "this too shall pass".

*This post contains affiliate links. 

I love Collage Friday, because I can look back on the week and celebrate our accomplishments. Despite the challenges, we did accomplish A LOT!

Foundations Weekly Work

I appreciate having the Foundations memory work as our guide. I know that, when all else fails, reviewing the memory work is ENOUGH.  This week we've been able to expand on the memory work a bit, read good books, and play, too.

Going through the pictures -- top to bottom, left to right:


Staying Physically Fit

Being physically active has been TOP on my list for 2015. I've lost 15 lbs. and am feeling great. (There's still a ways to go, but slow and steady wins the race, right?)

I normally walk 4-5 times each week (about 2.5 miles) and am watching what I'm eating. It's nothing scientific - just common sense. 

The kids are resuming tennis lessons next week, but in the mean time they have been working out at the YMCA, too! 

A sweet friend of mine gave me a present at CC this week. Isn't that little doTerra pouch cute? 

I've used essential oils just a little bit, and she is helping me to learn more about them. I need to educate myself about them and see if this might be helpful to our family. 

Thank you, Dawn!   

LEGO® Education Simple Machines

Oh, how we love LEGO® Education!

(Watch the blog in the coming weeks for a couple of fabulous giveaways!)

This week Grant has been learning about levers and wheels and axles. 


Link With Collage Friday on Instagram (and via your blog)

If you are on Instagram,  please join me for #Collagefriday.  Simply use the #Collagefriday hashtag - and be sure to follow me there, too! 

If you are a blogger, link your post (using the widget below) containing photo collages. Be sure to link back to this original post, and also include the Collage Friday graphic in your post, too.

Then, be sure to visit other bloggers on the list to offer encouragement and gain ideas. This community has been going for over three years! 

So... how was your week? 

Are you ready for Spring Break? Have you already taken a break?

Or, do you just school year round? 


Resources From Our Week

Following are the resources from our week -- so many people email to ask about things we are using, so I'm creating a special section in my Friday posts for just that!