
Favorite Middle Grades Books

What is a “Middle Grades” book?

A Middle Grades book is classified as one that is written for children ages 8-12. (simple, right?)

Anyone who knows me knows I love to read! It’s definitely my favorite pastime and I’ve logged over 100 books read annually for the past several years. I’ve passed on this love of reading to my son who just turned eleven. With that being said...we’ve spent countless hours reading together.

My son falls right in the middle of that 8-12 range - not only does he love middle grades books, but I do, too!

Favorite Middle Grades Books

C.S. Lewis once said

“A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.” 

With that quote in mind, we’ve tried to find books that we both he, as an eleven year old, and I, as a...well much older than eleven year old, can enjoy together.  

The #bookstagram community on Instagram dedicates March to Middle Grades book reading.  We thought this would be the perfect time to share some of our favorites with you.  Many you may already be familiar with, but we hope we can add a few new titles to your TBR (To Be Read) stack as well.

(You can also follow me on Instagram, and also Mary’s book account, Homegrown Book Picks!)

Favorite Middle Grades Classics

These first few will come as no surprise to any reader of Middle Grades books.  They are tried and true and are considered “classics” for a reason. 

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

Anne is a precocious young orphan who is taken in by Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew on Prince Edward Island, Canada.  She is, in my opinion, one of the most loveable heroines in all of literature.  She’s never quiet, fiercely emotional and always into mischief. 

If you haven’t read Anne yet, try the Audible original audio version read by Rachel McAdams.  It’s sure to be a delightful experience. 

Old Yeller by Frank Gipson

Be ready for the tissues with this one and know that the ending is pretty emotionally charged if your middle graders aren’t quite ready for that yet.  With that said, this is a great book for boys growing up and taking on more responsibility.  Travis becomes the man of the house when his father leaves on a long cattle drive.  He takes on the responsibility of his family, while also taking care of the ugly, rascal of a dog that shows up whom they affectionately call Yeller.  My son loved this one and it fostered great conversation between us. 

We followed this one up with a family movie night to watch the 1957 Disney classic movie.  You can also follow it up with the movie Savage Sam that is a sequel to Old Yeller.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Little Women follows the March family of four daughters and their mother as they navigate the years of the Civil War with their father away. The sisters Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth’s personalities are as varied and different as they could possibly be. The first reading of this novel is a cherished treasure that only gets better upon subsequent readings. The March girls become family and Marmee, their mother, is so full of wisdom and guidance. Follow this up with a number of movie versions and it will prove to be a wonderful family experience with your older middle-grade children.

Favorite Middle Grades Series

When you read a great book only to find out it’s part of a larger series, what a gift!  Here are some series we’ve come to love. 

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

I would be remiss if I didn’t say that first and foremost that this is beyond a doubt our favorite series!  These books follow young wizard Harry Potter and his friends on their journey to defeat the evil Lord Voldemort and save the wizarding world.  My son and I spent countless hours...117 to be exact...listening to the complete series during the 2020 Coronavirus Quarantine.

We looked forward to an hour (or two or three) each day when we could get away from little sister and ride around with the windows down listening to Jim Dale transport us to Hogwarts. If you’ve only read the books yourself and never listened to Jim Dale narrate them you are missing out on a treat! The voices he gives to the beloved characters are just spot on.

These books can also be followed up with a movie marathon, just know that the movies get progressively darker and more sinister so judge for your own kiddos when they are ready for the movies.

Favorite Middle Grades Books

Percy Jackson: by Rick Riordan

After finishing up the Harry Potter series my son was looking for another series and I suggested this one.  I’d read Percy Jackson years ago as I’m a sucker for anything Mythology based.  This series follows Percy Jackson, the demigod son of Poseidon, as he learns about his powers and the mythical world he never knew existed.  They are packed with action as Percy and his friends go on multiple quests to fight evil. 

The audio versions of these books are good as well, although not as captivating as listening to Jim Dale.  The first movie was a great accompaniment, however, it doesn't follow the book exactly. 

Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace

These could be considered a classic as well.  Written in the 1940s about Maud’s life in Minnesota during the late 1800s.  These books begin when young Betsy and Tacy are only five years old.  You see them grow and change all the way through the last book that is Betsy’s Wedding. 

Much like the classics, these girls become personal friends and their shenanigans are lighthearted and lovely.  This book transports you to a simpler time and makes you wish for days gone by singing around the piano with friends and snacking on fudge.  I first read these as an adult, but wish I could go back and read them as a young girl! 

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place by Maryrose Wood

If you haven’t met the wolf children of Ashton Place you are missing out!  This is a six-book series following three siblings who have been raised by wolves and found by Lord Ashton on his estate.  Penelope Lumley is hired to be their governess and to try to teach them to act like humans. 

The mysteries surrounding the children abound from the very beginning.  Each book gets you a little closer to figuring out their true identity as well as Penelope’s. 

My son and I were both enthralled with these audiobooks read by Katherine Kellgren.  She immediately sucks you in with her British accent and makes it a very pleasurable listening experience.

Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

I couldn’t write a post on favorite middle grades books without including the Little House series. These could be included in the classics section as well. This series begins in the 1870s and follows Laura Ingalls and her family as they move west and strive to make it on the American frontier as a pioneer family.

The audio versions of these books read by Cherry Jones are fantastic. Her voice is perfect for narrating the pioneer life and the fiddle playing in the audio versions brings Pa’s playing to life. These are sure to enthrall even younger listeners as well. Our personal favorite to listen to is The Long Winter which has become a re-read for us during the cold winter months each year.

All-of-a-Kind Family by Sydney Taylor

My son and I read the first book in this series for school this year, and I had to see what happened to the family in the next four books.  Follow along as this Jewish family of five sisters grow up in New York City’s Lower East Side at the turn of the century.  Their unique personalities and the mischief they get into will keep you enthralled.

Favorite Historical Fiction

My son and I use historical novels to supplement what he’s learning in school. 

These have been some of our favorites!

The Great Turkey Walk by Kathleen Karr

The year is 1860 and Simon Green has just finished the third grade for the fourth time and decides he’s done with school.  He uses what street smarts he has to try to earn a fortune by walking 1,000 turkeys from Missouri to Denver to sell at a great price.  I had a blast reading aloud with my best rendition of Simon’s dialect.  My son got a kick out of it as well!

Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink

Caddie is a tomboy.  She’d rather be outdoors with her brothers than indoors with the girls sewing and cooking.  She is brave and bold and she’s based on the author’s grandmother.  My son loved reading about the mishaps she gets herself into with the Indians.  She’s spirited and fun and will make you laugh and remember her as a fond friend. 

Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan

What a listening treat!  This book follows a harmonica as it makes its way through the lives of three very different children during very different circumstances.  Each facing daunting challenges, the harmonica brings something into their lives that help them to bear the burdens they must. 

The harmonica playing on the audio version makes it a must.

Honorable Mention

I couldn’t end this post without mentioning the books by James Herriot. He’s written so many wonderful books on his time as a vet in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1930’s and on. My son is a major animal lover and the heart that James Herriot puts into his books would make even a non-animal lover fall in love with them.

While not expressly Middle Grades, these books have appealed to our entire family. From James Herriot’s Treasury for Children to his Favorite Dog Stories, Cat Stories, and Animal Stories, you will be transported to a different place and time. With quirky farmers and their farm animals and pets, to his life with his veterinary partner and the goings-on of the town, you will be enthralled.

To go along with this experience you can watch PBS’s new show All Creatures Great and Small. Our entire family loved it and can’t wait for them to make season 2!

Favorite Middle Grades Books

More Middle-Grade Reading Ideas:

If you’re unsure about other Middle Grades books or any book recommendations for your children, don’t hesitate to check out Sarah Mackenzie’s The Read-Aloud Family.  Sarah, host of the Read-Aloud Revival Podcast, breaks her book into ages and gives great recommendations for each age level.  It’s an invaluable resource.  

Also, you can see look at the following posts from Mary here at Homegrown Learners:

Happy Reading!

Leave me a comment below with YOUR favorite Middle Grades book!


This post is from our contributing writer, Allison. Follow her on Instagram to see the adventures of a book loving mom new to homeschooling

From School to Home: Our Story (Part 3: Big Kids)

Homeschooling big kids is a totally different ball of wax.

Those magical, sweet years of homeschooling littles (see Part One of our story) gave our family so many precious memories. The initial years of homeschooling instilled a love of learning and a deep sense of family in ALL of us.

After we had made the decision to homeschool the kids we then enjoyed several years of Interest Led Learning, Charlotte Mason’s principles, and a spirit of truth, beauty and goodness. (see Part Two of our story)

Life is just so predictable, though. Right when we begin to get the hang of something - to find the groove - things must change. I’m convinced this is God’s way to keep us growing and drawing closer to Him.

When my oldest got close to seventh grade I knew something needed to change. It was at this point that I can look back and see a dramatic shift in our homeschool - not better or worse - just different.

We needed the shift.

From School to Home: Our Story (Part 3: Big Kids) #homeschool

The Appeal of Classical Education

I had always tried to keep current with research about homeschooling. After reading The Well Trained Mind, I had implemented pieces of Classical Education in our homeschool. I knew that even more Classical elements would be a good fit for my youngest.

Grant was a collector of facts. He loved good books. We had been going down a very structured math route with him. I knew that Classical homeschooling would probably be a very good match for him. He was smack in the middle of the grammar stage.

At the same time, I thought that my oldest (Anna) could benefit from a lot of what I was reading about the dialectic stage.

Classical Conversations

A friend of mine introduced us to Classical Conversations. From everything I could tell it seemed this community approach would be the perfect thing for my then second grader.

My daughter was just the perfect age for the Challenge program, so I enrolled her in Challenge A. (equivalent to 7th grade)

(What I didn’t realize, and what I desperately wish I would have known at the time was that it was very hard to succeed in the Challenge program without the prior foundational experiences. I know children have done this, but I do think we do our middle schoolers a disservice when we expect them to jump into Classical education at the age of 12 or 13. It seems a bit like asking a child to bake their own cake without a recipe when they have never baked before and don’t possess the knowledge of what the ingredients are and how they work together.)

My daughter’s experience in Challenge A was much different than my son’s - I think this is because my son had 4 years preparation for Challenge A and my daughter had NONE.

Another observation: Classical Conversations communities vary widely.

My experience was entirely different based on the two communities we attended. I have heard different experiences from friends in other areas. Visit your local community to see if it is a fit for you. Do your research on the background of the company and the community. Research leadership in your area. And… remember that YOU are in charge of your homeschool.

( I have found it helpful over the years to write down our reasons for homeschooling and revisit them several times each year! )

Don’t Ever Tie Yourself to One “Program”

To make a long story short, my daughter stayed in the Challenge program four years.

She gained many good things from her years in Challenge. (I have written about not losing the wonder in high school and the importance of following your child.)

The valuable lesson I learned, however, was that we should never feel an allegiance to one method or program. The minute a method becomes an idol should be a warning signal. We must always stay in our own lanes and follow our child’s lead. In the end, it was important that I listened to my daughter and let her follow her passions.

(My son completed all of Foundations and Essentials and will be entering Challenge I this fall. He has an extremely unusual situation that involves a combination of 10 committed families and children who get along very well. I do tweak the Challenge curriculum and we participate because of the community. I anticipate him graduating with this group of friends, but I have also learned to never say never.)

Another lesson learned? Each child is different!! To assume one method will fit all of your children isn’t realistic!

Our #homeschool story - Part III

My daughter’s 12th grade World Literature class - what a blessing this group has been!

I think, also, that my daughter learned flexibility, grace, and courage in her homeschool high school experiences.

She has been the “new kid” at a local Classical school. She has learned to assert herself and how to step in and make friends. We can see so clearly how God was guiding her journey every step of the way!

The Courage to Be Different

Stepping away from Classical Conversations after the 10th grade gave us a feeling of FREEDOM with my daughter’s education.

She will be graduating in just a few weeks, and has enjoyed a combination of online classes, classes at a local Classical school, and a smattering of classes we have designed together at home. She will be attending college - majoring in Special Education (her great love).

God has been faithful and good throughout her homeschooling journey, and I am thankful I listened to HIM when it mattered most.

Take Some Good From Everything

I feel like a broken record - sharing the lessons I have learned, but there are so many.

Whatever curriculum, program, or method you choose - find the good in it. If it isn’t for you 100%, you always have extracted some good. I am convinced that if we adopt this attitude all will be well.

Life is like that, too - take a little good from everything you encounter, correct?

From our experiences with Classical Conversations, Memoria Press Academy, Mr. D Math, HSLDA Academy, Shormann Math - and many other resources - we have pieced together a unique education for each of my children that I hope honors each of their strengths and talents.

Our #Homeschool Story - Part III

Our sweet Challenge group - my son is the goofball on the top left!

Yes, They CAN Get Into College

Finally, everyone used to ask me if I was worried my homeschooler would get into college.

My answer? NOT AT ALL.

I found that being an unaccredited homeschooler put us into a separate category. We found colleges that were interested in my child and vice versa. If we had to jump through too many hoops to apply to a college then I knew that wasn’t the place for my homeschooler.

I wouldn’t let college acceptance factor into your homeschool high school decision. I tell my friends with younger homeschoolers now to just be sure they meet the state required credits for graduation, be sure your child takes some SAT or ACT prep, and that they can write well.

I sought to maintain the integrity of my daughter’s high school education first and foremost, and it has all worked out beautifully.

Read my series Homeschool to College to learn A LOT more about this topic!

Did you miss a part in the series?

Find them here:

From School to Home: Our Story (Part One)

From School to Home: Our Story (Part Two)

My prayer is that you have courage, ideas, and inspiration from our journey.

Questions or comments? Just let me know below!