
Collage Friday - Poetry, Pastels, and Purging

 This week was a little tough getting back in the swing of things after a wonderful trip to The Great Homeschool Convention in Greenville, SC.

I'm so thankful my husband's back is improving - he was able to come with us!  We had a relaxing change of pace for three days.  

I am planning a post for next week to tell you about some very helpful things I learned, but for now I would just like to encourage you to attend a homeschool convention if you get the chance.

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Adding Art in Your Homeschool

"Well, I'm just not artistic."

 I've heard that statement rather often from other homeschoolers when they talk about the lack of art in their days. Since adding in the joy of art is one of my passions, I'm here to encourage you that building this habit is not hard. You did not have to inherit the art gene to pull out the paint brushes.

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