
5 Good Things: Encouraging Words

We all need encouragement.

It is important to feed our own souls, and then to pour into others through encouraging actions and words.

Homeschooling is HARD work, and we need support. Today’s post is designed to give you a little shot in the arm of that encouragement and beauty that we all need. In fact, I believe it’s the most important investment we can make as homeschooling parents - investing in our own education and mental and spiritual health.

5 Good #Homeschool Things: Encouraging Words

My husband and I took some this week to be very intentional about mental health - and adding some joy to our lives.

These past few months have been difficult. In addition to the quarantine and all that comes with it, I’ve also been trying to help my dad, who lives in an Assisted Living and has been in and out of the hospital twice since Covid hit. He’s doing much better now, but I feel very helpless being 8 hours away from him - and even if I lived around the corner I wouldn’t even be able to get in and visit him.

The music appreciation membership at SQUILT Music has grown exponentially in the past few months, too. What a blessing this is - but I’ve had to adjust my time and offload some household duties to other people around here (which probably needed to happen anyway!).

Back to the intentionality and joy - we got together with some dear homeschool friends and enjoyed an evening of fellowship, laughter, wisdom, and just good friendship. It was balm for our souls.

My husband and I always get our picture taken on our front porch - it’s fun to see the same backdrop - with the couple getting a little older (and hopefully wiser) each year. We’ll be celebrating our 23rd anniversary very soon - we never ever imagined we would homeschool our children, but we both agree it was the best parenting decision we ever made.

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So take heart: the work unfinished at end of day, the lists unchecked, the dreams unrealized, may be the measure of your love.

  • The Gift of People’s Presence

    Such a beautiful post written by Ashlee Eiland - talking about the simple gift of our presence. Homeschooling is the perfect way to simply be PRESENT for our children, isn’t it?

  • “Summer Moods”

    This is a lovely podcast with poetry read aloud - from the Circe Institute. Listening to beautiful things encourages me. Even if you don’t share this with your children, take a few minutes to sit outside and just listen to this poem. Beautiful.

  • 5 Ways to Encourage a Fellow Homeschool Mom

    I wrote this post a year ago - and I anticipate that in the next year there will be so many homeschooling parents that need our support! I hope this post gives you simple ways to do just that.

  • Walk With the Wise: Choose Well Who Influences Your Decisions

    Sally Clarkson is a wise source of information. This post will bless you.

And - in case you’re wondering - the favorite book I’ve read in the past couple of weeks is Love Lettering. It’s sweet, endearing, and unputdownable (yes, that’s really a word!). If you want to keep up with my reads, follow me on Instagram @Homegrown Book Picks.

Is there something in particular that encourages you?

Brings you joy? Radiates beauty?

Let me know in the comments below!

5 Good #Homeschool Things: Encouraging Words

5 Good Things: Give them Beauty

I received a text this week that transformed my thinking.

It was so simple: “Anna and Grant give me hope for the future”.

We went on to talk about the insanity in our country right now, and how homeschooled children seem to be more able to discern truth from lies - how our children are being brought up to question who their authority is and learning how to sift through the barrage of information thrown at them each day.

As I further contemplated this exchange, it was impressed upon me that the ONLY way to combat the forces at work in our world right now is to relentlessly pursue BEAUTY for our children.

Before you read this post - please read Repairing the Collapse of Virtue. Professor Carol has so eloquently stated what was on my heart this week.

Someone must teach a child to create, rather than destroy. Someone must teach patience, discipline, and compassion. Someone must plant the magical words of poetry, proverbs, and hymns to teach the values and virtues of our heritage. And if no one is there to do it, what will replace it?

Give Your Children BEAUTY — 5 Good #Homeschool Things This Week

This week’s 5 things are practical ideas you can implement with your children, and also inspirational pieces for you, the home educating parent.

Our job is IMPORTANT. Our children are the hope for the future, and we have a large (but not impossible) task set before us.

It is a privilege to reclaim our own education and invest in repairing the ruins of a country that is now feeling the effects of a public education devoid of truth, beauty, and goodness.

  • How to Include Beauty in the Upper Grades of Homeschool

    We have to dig a bit deeper, invest more in relationships, and actively strive to include things of beauty in our teens’ lives. We have to keep talking about the beauty in our own lives, even if they think it’s “dumb”. We have to model the quest for truth, beauty, and goodness in our own lives. This post from last year might help you.

  • Politics, Media, and Engaging Our Culture

    There is so much wisdom in this post from Veritas Press. We have DAILY conversations about discernment when it comes to news, social media, and all of the other sources of information presented to us.

  • Strawberry Girl

    This is a wonderful book that I remember from my childhood. My daughter works at a strawberry farm, so we have a lot of yummy berries this time of year. As three buckets of berries were staring at me this week, my mind went Lois Lenski’s Strawberry Girl and the wonderful memories I had of my mother reading aloud to me.

    If I had a little one right now I would read the book and make jam! There is no easier way to incorporate beauty than through nature and literature.

  • Virtual Music Hour

    This free resource from the Colorado Symphony is a great way to expose your children to beauty. This week, in particular, is of interest to me. The symphony is sharing a performance of Duke Ellington’s Three Black Kings and Aaron Copland’s Lincoln Portrait - along with a discussion about the pieces.

  • How to Spot Fake News (and teach kids to be media savvy)

    I love this article - it gives us basic questions to ask when we are presented with a piece of media. It’s great for EVERYONE in the family as we navigate these strange media times.

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here’s to our pursuit of beauty and home education!

Give Your Children Things of Beauty - 5 Good #Homeschool Ideas this week