
Our Curriculum is Posted! Looking Back on the First Year

I've been spending some time tonight posting the curriculum we are using this year for Miss B and GMan. We have fallen into a great rhythm, and I feel like I am really getting to KNOW my children and the way the learn and what makes them tick. What an honor it is to spend these days with them and learn side by side.

Truthfully, when we first started homeschooling nearly a full year ago, I wondered how on earth I would adjust to this new lifestyle and how we would ever make it all work. Now, I cannot imagine going back to our old way of life. I knew God was calling us to homeschool, I just wasn't entirely sure I could do it. We have had many struggles and tears, but through it all I had the peace of mind that what my children were learning was consistent with our family's values, and they were safe and loved each and every day. My husband and I remarked tonight that God has provided us all of the tools we needed to educate our children at home. It has been the ultimate faith testing and building adventure for all of us.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

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