
20 Favorite Books from 2020

2020 was a spectacular reading year for me. Books provided a MUCH needed escape and sense of accomplishment in an extremely strange year.

2020 was also a year that further demonstrated my preferences in books and solidified my reading habits. During the second half of the year I kept track of books here on the blog - those lists might interest you.

I’m trying to be more like Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennett - collecting books for my future excellent library!

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! — When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” - Jane Austen (Pride & Prejudice)

20 Favorite Books from 2020

Reading and the Homeschool Parent

Being a homeschooling parent has intensified my desire to read. It has shown me the need to be a reading role model for my children - and, the more we learn in our homeschool the more I feel I need to know.

I believe it is essential to carve out time to read - both reading aloud and reading on your own. The more you make reading a part of your daily life, the more your children observe and imitate.

What started as my desire to build good habits in my children has turned into a bit of an obsession for me - I’m never without a book and would much rather read than watch television

20 Favorite Books in 2020

A few reflections from my reading year:

  • I had a goal of reading more classics this year. I accomplished that with Jane Eyre and Pride & Prejudice. (I also read Dracula, but that didn’t make it into my top 20.)

  • We continued to read aloud in our homeschool (you know I now just have a 16-year-old left at home), and Rocket Boys was one of our favorite books this year. Reading this book led to learning more about the space program, watching some documentaries, and also building the LEGO Apollo Saturn V rocket!

  • I discovered a new author this year - Julie Berry. Her book Lovely War is technically young adult, but I LOVED it. I wouldn’t hesitate to hand this one to your teens, especially if they like mythology.

  • I wanted to learn more about Dietrich Bonhoeffer - I especially enjoyed My Dearest Dietrich, which focused on the little-told story of Bonhoeffer’s love interest, Maria von Wedemeyer.

  • I listened to many audiobooks this year, and Americanah was probably the most engaging audio of the year - plus I just LOVED the story.

I loved each and every book on this list and hope you might be able to add some to your list, too!

You can always follow me on Instagram and Goodreads to keep up with my reading. I love to share what I’m reading and talk books in general.

Do you have a book to recommend to me from 2020?

I’d love to add it to my list!

20 Favorite Books from 2020