
Multitude Monday #361-380

In case you've never visited A Holy Experience, please take this chance to do so today. It is a beautiful website, and I enjoy linking up each Monday to share what I'm thankful for in my life.

What I am thankful for:

361. rainboots
362. raincoats
363. little boys jumping in puddles
364. RAIN!
365. the kind librarian today who gave my son a band-aid. She said "Sometimes a band-aid can solve the world's problems." And, she was right!
366. Symphony Orchestras and the chance to see the BBC Symphony Orchestra with my daughter this evening.
367. Pilgrims - and reading Stories of The Pilgrims this week
368. the excited feeling we all get when grandma and grandpa are coming to visit
369. new air fresheners
370. the opportunity to start a chime choir with the little ones at our church
371. forgiveness and grace
372. a little boy who has personality bigger than the state of Texas!

373. a get-together with new homeschooling friends over the weekend
374. my daughter's genuine LOVE of playing the piano and singing
375. her love of teaching, sharing, and taking care of others

376. people and situations that God so CLEARLY has put in my path
377. an interim pastor for our church
378. new recipes
379. old family recipes
380. candy corn :-)

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