
Just one of those days

I had every intention to do a lovely blog post about our science lesson this morning. When I sat down at the computer, however, it felt a little hot downstairs, so I checked the thermostat. 81 downtairs. Interesting - I had put it at 77 earlier because it felt hot. After some investigating,it appears our air conditioning is broken. Great. New tires, car tags, air conditioning. I'll just get some money off the tree in the back yard.

I text my husband... no reply. How could he? Shouldn't this problem be his #1 problem right now? I look around.... Somehow the laundry piled up and there are three large baskets to be folded. I will fold them upstairs (because that air is working). But wait, the kids have a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese so it will have to wait until later. Oh, and I bet the air conditioning repair places charge EXTRA on the weekends. And, the schoolroom is a wreck. And, we have a FULL weekend, with no break in sight. I think I feel a headache coming on.

As I felt my mood spiraling out of control I remember the kids. What in the world are they doing? It's so quiet . I bet they are getting into some trouble. I storm out of the computer room to look for them, and what do I find?

My two sweet children cuddled up reading a book together.

It's all about perspective, isn't it? The air will get fixed. The laundry will get folded, and I can always close the schoolroom door. The birthday party will be fun because I love all of the moms who will be there. And, it's celebrating a very special little boy.

God put my two children sweetly together reading a book to give me some peace and perspective. I love it when He works like that.
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