

For some reason I've been very reflective the past couple of weeks about my children and the path we have chosen for their education. Mostly, it's been thankfulness. They seem to be growing and thriving so well. I'm so glad I've let go of the "school" expectations, and have allowed them to grow and pursue their own interests. I believe their memories of traditional school are fading and they, too, are relaxing as each day goes by.

Right now we are working on projects for a homeschool literature fair, which involves a report of a book, hands-on project and display, and interview. My daughter has chosen a lovely book, "Calico Bush", which we have been reading together. It is one of my favorites we have ever read together. As we have worked our way through literature that takes place in the 1700s, I have noticed my daughter being fascinated with the pioneer way of life. On her own, she came up with the idea of wanting to learn to knit and sew (just like Marguerite in the story). She has learned to knit from my friend Karen, and is learning to sew from my neighbor, Robin. I can't tell you the hours she has spent on these two projects. Her fingerless gloves and Calico quilt will always be treasures to her I am sure! They are good for her patience, self-esteem, self-control, and perseverance. I can't wait until we are all ready for the literature fair!

Another great thing - tonight my daughter wanted to start her Valentines (we usually go to grandma and grandpa's house near Valentine's Day and they love to celebrate with the kids). She went to the American Girl website, selected pictures to print, resized them, printed them on heavy paper, and began the task of filling them out tonight. She wants to laminate them tomorrow and attach a pastel Tootsie Roll to each. I love the creativity! This is my little girl, the one who was fighting to come out a couple of years ago and was so unhappy being stifled. Now, her God given talents are coming to the surface.

It's a little harder to tell with my six year old because he is just so busy, but I see him obsessing about his math (in a good way), learning his times tables, and memorizing all of the state capitals - with no prompting from me. He loves to read and happily retreats to his room each day for quiet time and always lays next to his bookshelf where he can read his favorite Curious George, Dr. Seuss, or baseball books. His literature fair book is "The Grouchy Ladybug" - we are waiting for the ladybug larvae to come in the mail so we can get this show on the road!

I think I share these little stories on my blog to remember them... and so I have a record of what the kids are accomplishing. I hope I give credibility to homeschoolers everywhere by doing this. I finally am starting to GET IT. Homeschooling isn't just a choice in how we educate our children, it's our lifestyle, and one I'm so glad to lead.

Sure, here I sit at 11 p.m. working on lessons for this week and trying to unwind because there is so much to be done, but I can honestly say I wouldn't have it any other way!

Are you just so thankful to be a homeschooler? Leave me a comment and let me know!

This post is linked to The Hip Homeschool Hop and Teach Me Tuesday.
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